This has been a disappointing winter for snow, but we finally got enough of a dusting last night that the world was white when we woke up. Tucker noticed it as soon as he saw his first open window.
He spent his first five minutes awake nestled among his blankets downstairs pointing at the whiteness, to make sure I realized it was different.
Tucker: points at snow
Me: It's snow.
Tucker: points at snow
Me: It's snow.
So, that's how we spent a long time this morning.
After Tucker ate 1 and 1/2 waffles and a full banana (that boy can eat!), we put on his snow boots and explored the world. At first he wasn't sure what to make of the whole thing, but it didn't take him long to become enthusiastic.
In fact, it became a cosmic struggle (okay, slight exaggeration) to get the boy back inside. He is an outdoor weather boy... like father, like son.