Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Catching Up…

In case you’re wondering about the recent flurry of posting last week (and there will be more to come in the near future), I’ve been going back through this blog and putting together a book of this blog’s first six and a half years.  It was motivated by my kids wondering what they did when they were Emily’s age… and honestly, it’s hard to remember sometimes.  Anyway, it occurred to me that they have never heard most of the stories on this blog so I’m putting together a book of the pertinent posts about their antics. 

Also, as I’ve been sifting through old entries, it has reinvigorated my commitment to writing things down.  In particular, I have so much written down about Tucker because I was most active blogging before Molly was really saying much… makes me want to be sure to write the stories down now about Molly before she gets any bigger and stops saying ridiculous things every other minute.  In looking back over old posts, it’s kind of gelled in my mind the types of things that are really fun and sweet to look back on.  I particularly enjoy reading short entries with a funny or cute vignette about the kids—and reading about the old ones has made me think of other things that have happened recently that I want to remember.  So I’ll probably post a bunch of more recent things in the near future.