There has been an erosion of discipline in our household, and I don't mean with Tucker. It's the dog. About six months ago I invited him on the couch in my office. I didn't do it behind Austin's back, as I wasn't trying to hide it, but I definitely didn't mention it first.
It took about a month before he noticed. He even stuck his head in my office once or twice during that period and didn't make any remarks about the dog on the couch. Apparently, he overlooked it, it looked so natural, because when it did register, it turns out he did have opinions.
And I value his opinions. That's why I'm getting him a nice overstuffed chair for when he wants to read in this room, and feels the couch is too dog-contaminated to read on. Because there is nothing (okay, well few things better) than napping with a warm puppy in front of the fire. Snuggling with Ben on the couch is a wonderful luxury for me, and I'm willing to make some sacrifices for that privilege. Sacrifices like having to clean and de-hair the couch every week, and having sheets draped over the couch. Stuff like that.
Of course, Ben is only allowed on one side of the couch, the side with the off-white sheet on it (chosen to color-coordinate with a yellow lab). When he was allowed up on the couch for the first time, the one-side-of-the-couch arrangement was made perfectly clear.
Unfortunately, he prefers the other side of the couch. Is it because it smells more like me? Is it a power trip? Is he pushing the limits and testing boundaries?
Austin has a word for it: entitlement. But cute too.