Jo Jo and Aunt Jackie are thoroughly impressed by all of Tucker's new tricks.
*He now likes to stand on the chair Henny gave him, turn on the CD player, and play one of the CD's Caroline gave him when he was a baby. All by himself.
*He feeds himself with a spoon reliably with not much mess (well, sometimes...).
*When my mom sang the song "Pop goes the weasel," Tucker would run and get the toy that he has that sings that song and bring it to her.
*He knows how to make clucking noises with his tongue, and imitates snoring when prompted.
His understanding of words really surprises me. We were out for a walk yesterday and said "puddle" and immediately he looked around for where he could splash in the water. We tried this a couple times--it was definitely comprehension, not coincidence. He doesn't say much, so I think I underestimate how much he understands. When Aunt Jackie said "Go give JoJo a hug" yesterday, he immediately ran across the room and gave JoJo a hug. When Jo Jo told him to get "One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish" so they could read together, he went to the coffee table and got the right book from about 5 different books.
His grandmother is convinced he is a smart little boy. And she really liked that he gives hugs on command now!