Let's take a poll.
How many of you let your one year-old build a fire (intentionally)?
How many of you have already taught your 15 month old how to lift weights while grunting?
Hmmm... okay, hands down. Let's talk about life at Midway Farm House, where the babies lift weights and build fires before they even give up their morning nap.
Tucker is so into Austin right now. Whatever Daddy does, Tucker tries to do. He gathers sticks for Austin, to help build a fire in the morning. He toddles after Austin into the shed and mimics Austin's noises, while lifting 2 and a half pound weights. We had a mini meltdown this morning because Tucker couldn't share Daddy's breakfast (it had dairy in it). We had a major meltdown last night when Daddy went hunting and Tucker needed to stay inside.
It makes me think of the commercial for "My Buddy" in the 80's... "My buddy, my buddy, wherever he goes, I go. My buddy, my buddy, my buddy and me...." Here's the YouTube link to the commercial, in case you remember it too: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4j2xEwEHbrE
P.S. Tech note: the pics are snapshots from the new digital video recorder we got for Christmas. I intended to post the whole video, but need to learn first how to edit and clip and shorten them to make them a bit more wieldy.