For our third anniversary, Austin planned a surprise overnight trip--my first night away from Tucker since he was born. Just in case we weren't sufficiently excited, Tucker had one of his worst nights sleeping ever two nights before we left. He was up crying, inconsolable (I still don't know what the problem was) from 10:30-2 am and then up again by 5 something. Whew. After a night like that, even sleeping in a tent for a night in the frigid cold would've been a vacation.
Instead, Austin pulled out all the stops and took me to the Homestead in Bath County. Wow. I'd been thinking of where we're going for the past six weeks or so, knowing it was within a few hours of home. I figured he'd take me to the mountains, because what would be more romantic than a snowy retreat? So I was getting ready for a cabin in the woods, which would've been wonderful, too. But this???!!! Wow.
What did we do? Well, actually, not very much. We didn't go to the Jefferson pools (the changing rooms are unheated and the low was -6 last night, and the high was in the low single digits). We didn't even swim in the natural spring fed pool at the hotel (we contemplated it, of course, but our breakfast was too big and delicious to feel much like swimming afterwards). We didn't snowshoe, or even hike (again, it was about 9 degrees with a piercing wind for most of our trip, and I'm now a Southern belle, not a hearty Vermonter). We even missed the afternoon tea at the hotel, because we were too busy napping.
So, mostly, we slept. And we ate. And we read. And went on romantic scenic drives. And we tried to hip check other guests to get a place in front of one of the two roaring fires in the Great Hall. It was two days of just being adults, and it was exquisite.
True confession: we didn't even call home until this morning. :)
It is great to be back, and our precious break makes everything here that much more enjoyable.