One of Tucker's favorite songs right now is "The Wheels on the Bus." He especially loves the sound effects and silly noises we insert into it.
Today, I am in the unlucky position today of having that venerable song stuck in my head.
I'll spare you the details but as I sit down and try to write some Bible study curriculum for the camp I was a counselor at in Maine (formerly Camp Cherith, the new Camp Cedarbrook), the wheels of my mind are busy singing about buses. The synapses aren't connecting very quickly for the task at hand.
Becoming a mother has changed the way my mind works. Seriously. I've always tried to do too much at once, but now, there is just a part of my brain that is permanently derailed with silly songs and listening for the baby monitor and trying to keep us all on schedule and fed and clothed. My mother said that this part of the brain never comes back....
Anyway, back to the topic at hand, which, if I haven't made clear, is the camp curriculum I'm trying to write. About three months ago writing this curriculum seemed like a great idea. I've written high school Bible study curriculum before, so when I was approached to volunteer for this task I thought: what a fun thing to do in my spare time! And of course it is. Until the day you sit down in front of a blank screen, Bible in hand, and your mind goes blank.
I bet it will get accomplished faster if I keep blogging....