[I wrote this earlier this week, but our internet was down because of the ice storm so I couldn't post it then.]
True confession: my first "real" concert was Vanilla Ice, which for all you unacquainted with bad 80's music, was, well, REALLY BAD 80's music.
We are blanketed in 1/4" of ice here today, but the thing I love about Virginia is that the temperatures are already warming up enough to melt the roads. In Vermont this ice might fall and then it could be days until it was gone. In fact, when ice hits my mom's driveway, it usually sticks around till about March. Outside her garage is a perpetual skating rink. Last Christmas time, she sent us out with ice picks (okay, maybe just steel shovels...) to try to break through a couple inches of ice before a family gathering. It was a losing battle, but we fought valiantly.
In any case, our battle is going much better today, because we are sitting inside where it's warm and waiting for the temperature to warm up. THAT is my kind of snow/ice removal.
Maybe it is even time to wax poetic, to quote Robert Frost:
"Some say the world will end in fire
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice."