Friday, January 1, 2010

Next year...

It took me until yesterday to feel recovered from the craziness of the snow, Tucker getting so sick, Christmas, traveling, etc. Of course the circumstances were extenuating this year, but next year I want to build in more time for reflection and stillness and not make my way through the Christmas season feeling like I'm just hanging on!

Other notes for next year:
1) Make and eat our won tons on Christmas Eve BEFORE church, and have salad/dessert after, instead of trying to smoosh it all in after. Too busy!

2) Spring roll wrappers can make a good gluten-free wonton alternative, but each wrapper needs to be patted dry before it is cooked or it becomes a goopy unappetizing mess.

3) We need to do better invitations for our New Year's day party, and send them out earlier... the third week of December is too late!

4) Don't let the Christmas tree freeze solid on the porch in a 5 gallon bucket of water. It's a bummer to try to move inside and takes forever to thaw!

5) Pay attention to the weather and the roads in Virginia... they can mean business. :)

6) My stroke of genius for today's party was putting Ben behind the baby gate in the pantry. Everyone's food was safe, and yet Ben could see everyone from his bed we moved there. He got lots of toys and love and didn't intimidate any little ones (and was still lots of help cleaning up afterwards!).