Tuesday, June 8, 2010

"I don't want to go home!"

It feels like this is a nice honeymoon period before the baby comes this fall. Tucker doesn't nap anymore so we have a more flexible schedule, and he is just so interested and communicative. We have full mornings doing various outings -- anything from strawberry picking, swimming, a local kids' museum, parks, playdates, a local moon bounce center, and of course, various errands. (Incidentally, Tucker even likes the errands--he often asks if we can go to another store....) Tucker has gotten into a habit of asking where we're going next, and if the answer is "home," he invariably yells, "I don't want to go home!" It's pretty funny; I mean, the kid has it pretty good at home with raspberries and snow peas to feast on in the garden, chickens and eggs to gather, lots of tools and projects to help Daddy with, walks with the dog, fun videos, and enough trucks of every shape and size that he could happily organize them till kingdom come. I guess I should be flattered about how fun I make our morning outings. :)

Other notable things lately:
*Tucker has taken to searching around his room after I leave him for rest time and finding and bringing his tools into bed with him. His hammer sounds particularly realistic, and is often a sound track to his rest time. He also enjoys sing-songing "Happy Birthday" during his rest time.
*Every morning when he wakes up (after I tell him it's okay to come out of his room) he snuggles in our bed. I ask him what he dreamed about and he says, invariably, that he dreamed about buses, especially school buses and trolley buses. He tells me who rode on the buses in his "dream," if the bus got stuck or needed to get fixed, and who was the driver (usually Tucker). I don't think he really knows what a dream is, nor that he is actually having recurrent bus dreams, but I don't really know.
*Speaking of buses, every bus, mail truck, or UPS truck that we see gets a vigorous shout-and-point from Tucker. He is very into questions. "Is that my mail truck?" "Is that my bus?" "Is that bus going to Tucker's house?" (Of course, all these questions are rhetorical: the only proper answer is yes.)
*Some of my favorite Tucker-isms right now is his knack for making "Thank you" into a three syllable word: "thank-a-you," a few choice words like "hamba-gam-ba" rather than "hamburger," and his habit of using "be" as the verb in just about any sentence ("I be do that," "You be go there" "I be want ____")--I know you're supposed to correct grammatical errors, but I do tend to parrot back these particular constructions because I find them so amusing.
*He has persisted with his no-napping, and will stay awake for his entire hour and a half rest time... this means, of course, that he is in bed for the night by 6 pm because he's so tired. It's a bit ridiculous. I mean, it's tough fitting dinner, bath and bedtime reading in BEFORE 6 pm. And I thought I went to bed early.