Monday, February 9, 2009

Food Reviews (1)

The highlights of this weekend's food included popcorn this afternoon, of course, and managing to avoid having to eat Austin's infamous salmon cakes. Salmon cakes COULD be a good idea if they weren't made out of the gross kind of canned salmon that has the bones still in it. Austin claims you can't really taste the bones (they're these weird crunchy circular things), but what he really means is "you can't taste the bones if you don't have taste buds." (Hi, sweetie, so glad you're reading this!)

More seriously, though, I made up a recipe for protein bars for Tucker as a snack, because we're sick of giving him crackers and stuff like that for snacks. Obviously the no milk-no egg-no nut allergy thing makes baking for Tucker a bit creative, so this recipe may look a little odd, but it was surprisingly good. (I do have to admit that at church today one of the girls sitting across from Tucker said "that looks AWFUL!"

Anyway, on that promising note, the recipe is: 1 c ground flax, 1 c wheat flour, 1 c oat flour, some coconut milk (can you tell I don't measure very often?), some olive oil, 1/2 cup rice protein powder, a couple teaspoons baking soda and baking powder, and a can of crushed pineapple with the juice.

Obviously the pineapple is pretty sweet, but Austin couldn't tell the bars didn't have sugar in them without me telling him. We've eaten 2/3 of the pan between the three of this in two days, so maybe I'll need to make more for Tucker this week.

We also tried our first overnight crockpot hot breakfast cereal. We put in buckwheat groats, wheat berries, and some oats, with water and some apple juice and raisins in the crockpot overnight. The raisins were a little funny--all of the sweetness had drained out of them so they became these nondescript blobs that didn't taste very good. Overall, I think we both like the idea, but the grains need some more flavor. Next time I would add chopped up apples and dates and skip the raisings. Also, if anyone is tempted to make this recipe with small children, I suggest NOT giving anyone with an immature digestive tract these grains... let's just say Tucker had some interesting digestion issues this weekend!!

What else? Austin also made some great crockpot ribs. (Liz, the secret is cinnamon. Don't discount the crockpot, or ribs, until you try a cinnamon rub first....)

Better stop writing before this post makes me hungry!