Thursday, July 2, 2009

Father Tucker

Apparently Tucker has added the ministry to his list of career ambitions (which also includes train engineer and truck driver). Tucker is in the habit of opening one of our Bibles or prayer books and "preaching" to us from his little table in the sunroom. He points at the book, emphasizing his points, and has all the correct inflection and intonation down.

It's pretty cute, but a bit puzzling as we can't figure out when he's ever heard preaching before--he's in the nursery every week in church during the sermon. Where is he learning this?

Apparently, other friends from church have noticed similar things. A couple families have reported that their kids have processionals around the house either with something like a cross or with someone holding a cup with a napkin over it (the communion cup). Tucker loves watching the cross come down the aisle, so I'm sure it won't be long till he re-enacts them as well.