Saturday, August 1, 2009

Pumpkin the poodle

In April, Tucker had a run-in with a miniature poodle that was overly enthusiastic about getting to know him. For at least six weeks he was petrified of all dogs other than Ben.

Today, we were in the same store again, and the same poodle came out to greet Tucker with its very bouncy, enthusiastic yap. It was terrifying (to him). Tucker was clinging to me like a little monkey with his legs scissor pinching my waist so that it would not be humanly possible to put him down.

He was not interested in me making friends with the poodle, so we went to a different part of the store and he was fine. On the way out, the poodle was curled up on a chair and I decided to try overcoming-poodle-fears again. I started talking to Tucker about the poodle, but his interest didn't really pick up until I told him the poodle's name was Pumpkin. He loves pumpkins right now. He points them out to me in the garden, and on the front steps. He started pointing at the dog and saying "Pumpkin!" and then bent down and pet him (okay, it was more like trying to poke Pumpkin's nose). I was amazed.