Sunday, June 14, 2009

I am Wii-tarded

I hung out with some college friends yesterday and what did we do? Yes, we played Wii. It seems a bit odd that our ladies day out in Old Town Alexandria basically entailed eating and Wii... but it was entertaining, totally out of the box for me, and gave me a sliver of understanding of what people are talking about when they talk about the game.

I've never played before, and I am horrible. In MarioKart, a race car game, I generally was only able to complete one lap of a three lap race before everyone else finished. I watched my character die 1000 creative deaths. I think every time I finished last, the character shook her head and said "oh my!" My sentiments exactly.

I enjoyed tennis and bowling a lot more, and was not quite as terribly bad at them. But I don't feel any need to work on my abilities, much less play Wii ever again. I do come by my pop culture ignorance honestly. And without cable, renting movies, or anything like that, I don't see that ignorance changing any time soon.

Also, on a totally random tangent, the two friends I hung out with yesterday are both named Emily. And both of their significant others are named Matt. Weird, huh?